Why Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Works

RPM enables healthcare providers to monitor patients' health asynchronously, remotely and if needed in real-time, even when they are not physically present. Here are some of the reasons why RPM is important:

1.     Early Detection of Health Issues: RPM enables healthcare providers to collect relevant data to detect health issues early, even before patients show any symptoms. This allows providers to intervene and treat patients before their condition worsens, leading to better health outcomes and reduced hospitalizations.

2.     Improved Medication and Medical Device Adherence: RPM can help monitor and improve adherence by providing reminders and tracking patients' medication and medical device usage schedules. This can lead to better disease management and improved health outcomes.

3.     Reduced Healthcare Costs: RPM can help reduce healthcare costs by reducing hospital readmissions, emergency room visits, and unnecessary office visits. By monitoring patients remotely, healthcare providers can intervene early and prevent the need for costly interventions.

4.     Improved Patient Satisfaction: RPM can improve patient satisfaction by providing patients with a sense of control over their health and enabling them to actively participate in their care. Patients can also avoid the inconvenience and stress of frequent office visits.

5.     Access to Care: RPM can improve access to care for patients who live in rural or remote areas or have mobility issues. It allows patients to receive care from their homes, eliminating the need for travel and reducing the burden on caregivers.

Overall, remote patient monitoring is a powerful tool that can improve healthcare outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance the patient experience. By enabling early detection and intervention, it can lead to better disease management and improved quality of life for patients.

Sensoria Health is considered a leader in remote patient monitoring wearables due to several factors:

1.     Traditional Devices and Smart Garments: Sensoria Health's novel sensor and microelectronics can be embedded in virtually any existing product to transform any analog device into an IoME (IoT for the human body) system: think of a knee brace, an insole, a shoe, a sock or even a wheelchair cushion…: www.sensoriahealth.com. Sensoria’s wearable mobile plus cloud software RPM system utilizes smart garments that are comfortable and unobtrusive, making them easy for patients to wear for extended periods. This is important for remote patient monitoring as patients may be required to wear the devices for long periods.

2.     High-Quality Sensors: The company's smart garments are equipped with high-quality sensors that can accurately track various vital signs such as heart rate and heart rate variability as well as other clinical metrics for gait analysis and treating neurological disorders.  This ensures that the data collected is reliable and can be used to make informed decisions about the patient's health: www.sensoria.io

3.     AI-Powered Analytics: Sensoria Health's platform is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that can analyze the data collected from the sensors in real-time. This allows healthcare providers to monitor patients remotely and detect any changes in their health quickly.

4.     Customizable: Sensoria Health's wearable system can be customized to meet the specific needs of patients and healthcare providers. This makes it a flexible solution that can be used in various healthcare settings, from hospitals to home care.

Overall, Sensoria Health's wearable system offers a comprehensive remote patient monitoring solution that is reliable, customizable, making it a leader in the market.


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